In my research, I have focused mainly on theory and practice of negotiation and innovation management.
I am very grateful to Peter Kesting, my friend, mentor and the first co-author, who patiently taught me how to write scientific papers and has remained a great sparring partner for years. Although, there is still so much I need to learn, without Peter I would not know where to start. Many joint projects, lot’s of stimulating discourses, great meals.
Here is the list of my publications and a link to my profile on ResearchGate:
- “How Unexpected Consequences of Our Unethical Behavior Can Eventually Turn Against Us” (with Peter Kesting and Felix Kröcher), Negotiation Journal, forthcoming 2025.
- Negotiators who Changed the World: Lessons on Leadership and Negotiation, Springer Nature, forthcoming.
- “Start-up funding negotiations with venture capitalists: Understanding the behaviors and strategies of experienced entrepreneurs” (with Christian Glade, Peter Kesting, and Dominik Kanbach), International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, forthcoming 2025.
- Modernes Innovationsmanagement: Chancen und Heruasforderungen zwischen Fortschritt und Wachstumsgrenzen, Springer Gabler, January 2025.
- “Leaders as Negotiators: Padmé vs. Palpatine” (with Jan Smolinski), in J. Reynolds and N. Ebner (eds.) Star Wars and Conflict Resolution II: My Negotiations Will Not Fail, March 2024.
- “A Practical Guide to Negotiation Simulation Writing” (with Peter Kesting), Negotiation Journal, Vol. 39: 3, pp. 297-326, August 2023.
- “Possibilities and limits of procedural and distributive justice in complex conflicts: a study of the Colombian peace process” (with Margarita Canal, David Aponte and Peter Kesting), International Journal of Conflict Management, July 2023.
- “Differences between habitual and novice entrepreneurs in funding negotiations” (with Christian Glade and Peter Kesting), International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 29 No. 7, pp. 1644-1663, June 2023.
- “What is Your Best Price?” – An Experimental Study of an Alternative Negotiation Opening (with Wolfram Lipp and Peter Kesting), Negotiation Journal, Vol. 39: 2, pp. 175-206, May 2023.
- “Beyond the First Offer: Decoding Negotiation Openings and Their Impact on Economic and Subjective Outcomes” (with Wolfram Lipp and Peter Kesting), Group Decision and Negotiation, 32, pp. 395–433, January 2023. This paper received 2024 Gregory Kersten GDN Journal Best Paper Award.
- “Toward a Process Model of First Offers and Anchoring in Negotiations” (with Wolfram Lipp and Peter Kesting), Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, Vol. 16: 1, pp. 48-79, July 2022. This paper received NCMR Article of the year Award 2024.
- “In Search of the Master Negotiators: The Negotiation Competency Model” (with Yun Xiong), Negotiation Journal, Vol. 36: 3, pp. 365-388, July 2020.
- The Negotiation Challenge: How to Win Negotiation Competitions (with James Downs), Econnections 2018.
- Innovationen und Innovationsmanagement in der Finanzbranche (with Mariusz Cyprian Bodek, Moritz Gerdes, Martin Siejka) Springer Gabler 2017.
- “Mit ganzheitlichem Innovationsmanagement zur Finanzbranche der Zukunft” (with Moritz Gerdes) in R. Smolinski et al (eds.) Innovationen und Innovationsmanagement in der Finanzbranche, Springer Gabler 2017, pp. 37-56.
- “Die comdirect Start-up Garage als Innovationsinstrument in der Finanzbranche: Analyse der Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren eines Corporate Accelerators” (with Jes Henning und Mariusz Cyprian Bodek) in K. Lucks (ed.) Praxishandbuch Industrie 4.0: Branchen – Unternehmen – M&A, Schäffer-Poeschel, 2017.
- “Startup Garage als kollaborative Innovationsschmiede” (with Mariusz Cyprian Bodek) in D. Schallmo et al (eds.) Digitale Transformation der Geschäftsmodellen, Springer Gabler 2016, pp. 521-546.
- “Looking for the Next Big Thing: The Role of Strategic Foresight for Managing Innovation in the Financial Services Sector” (with Moritz Gerdes), in S. Ili et al (eds.) Digital or Dead: How digital transformation opens up blue oceans for survival in the future, Ili Consulting AG, 2016, pp. 219-237.
- “Im Labyrinth der Screens – Produktstrategien in einem Multi-Device-E-Commerce“ (with Andreas Haack and Lars Finger) in G. Heinemann et al (eds.) Digitalisierung des Handels mit ePace. Innovative E-Commerce-Geschäftsmodelle unter Timing-Aspekten, Springer Gabler 2013, pp. 277-294.
- “World Championship in Negotiation? The Role of Competitions in Negotiation Pedagogy” (with Peter Kesting). Negotiation Journal, Vol. 29: 3, pp. 355-369, July 2013.
- “Transcending the classroom: A practical guide to remote role plays in teaching international negotiation” (with Peter Kesting). Negotiation Journal, Vol. 28: 4, pp. 491-504, October 2012.
- “Conflict in Organizations: The Role of Routine” (with Peter Kesting and Ian Speakman). Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012.
- “Starting from Scratch: A Multi-Stage Analysis of Remote E-Negotiations” (with Peter Kesting). Available at SSRN, January 2011.
- “Capturing Attitudes and Behavior in International Negotiations: Lessons from the European Union Enlargement Negotiations”, International Negotiation, Vol. 15. 3, pp. 485-509, October 2010.
- “How was the Fifth European Union Enlargement Actually Negotiated? A Comparative Analysis of Selected Traits”, International Negotiation, Vol. 13: 2, pp. 247-283, November 2008.
- “Between (In)Efficiency and (In)Effectiveness: Uncertainty, Risk and Benefits of Routine in Negotiation” (with Peter Kesting) Available at SSRN, September 2007.
- “When Negotiations Become Routine: Not Reinventing the Wheel While Thinking Outside the Box” (with Peter Kesting), Negotiation Journal, Vol. 23: 4, pp. 419-438, October 2007.
- “Negotiating in the Low Trust Settings: The Characteristics of Polish Negotiating Style” in R. Kaczmarek and P. Babicki (eds.), Psychologia Biznesu. Negocjacje, komunikacja, podejmowanie decyzji, Poznań: Rebis, 2007.
- European Union Accession Negotiations: Analysis of Negotiating Profiles and Post-negotiation Economic Performance of Member States, doctoral dissertation, 2007.
- “A Routine-based View on Organizational Change and Dynamic Capabilities” (with Peter Kesting), in Koufopoulos, D.N. (ed.): Reflecting on Issues and Controversies in Current Management Trends, ATINER, 2007.
- “Von der Rolle“ in: Financial Times Deutschland (with Peter Kesting and Richard Federowski), Hamburg, April 11, 2006. pp. 18-19.
- “Fundamentals of International Negotiation” in: Paluchowski, W.J. (ed.): Negocjacje: wśród jawnych zagrożeń i ukrytych możliwości, Poznań, Rebis, 2006. pp. 175-189.
To download the abstracts and/or full papers, please visit my profiles on ResearchGate and Social Science Research Network.
Please feel free to contact me, if you are interested in exploring and/or advancing any of these topics. Joint research projects are fun!