Somebody pinch me please! Two papers of the year in the same year? I must be dreaming…
We are delighted to share that we’ve just received an email from the Editor-in-Chief of the Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Journal Jimena Ramirez Marin that our literature review on the first offers and anchoring in negotiation has received the NCMR Article of the Year Award 2024!

Our paper reviews 119 journal articles published since 1967 and proposes a process model of first offers in negotiation that organizes our knowledge about this highly important element of the negotiation process.
While writting this paper with my partners in crime: Wolfram Lipp from Technical University of Munich and Peter Kesting from Aarhus University we also realized how much we still don’t know about first offers and anchoring in negotiation.
NCMR Article of the Year Award 2024 was handed over during the IACM annual conference, which took place on June 23-26 at INSEAD in Singapore.

The paper is available in open access and can be viewed and downloaded here. Please let us know what you think!
Thank you, dear committee members: Michael Gross, Nazlı Bhatia, PhD, Jingjing Yao, David Hunsaker, PhD, Teng Zhang for your kind recognition!
Thank you HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management for supporting our research at the Center for International Negotiation.