What Does It Mean To Negotiate Well?

What does it mean to negotiate well and what is the panda bear effect?

In our chat with Kwame Christian from American Negotiation Institute, we talk about a topic that has been very important to me ever since we’ve launched our negotiation competition, The Negotiation Challenge. It is quite surprising that after four decades of research, we still do not have widely recognized standards for evaluating negotiators’ performance. This was mainly the reason behind our work on the Negotiation Competency Model.

While organizing and judging various negotiation competitions, we’ve also observed that the teams that usually do well display something, we called the panda bear effect. To find out what it is, tune in to our episode of Negotiate Anything!


Toward a Process Model of First Offers and Anchoring in Negotiations (PDF)

Super happy to share that our literature review on first offers in negotiation “Toward a Process model of First Offers and Anchoring in Negotiations” has been accepted for publication in Negotiation and Conflict Management Research!

In our paper, we analyzed 119 articles that focused on various aspects of first offers in negotiation, ordered them in a process a process model and identified avenues for further research. If you ever wondered about what research has found out about the impact of first offers in negotiation, you might enjoy reading this paper.

Many thanks to Wolfram Lipp, who headed this project and to Peter Kesting, my old partner in crime!

Source: (PDF) Toward a Process Model of First Offers and Anchoring in Negotiations

In Search of Master Negotiators: A Negotiation Competency Model (PDF)

This paper systematically derives and summarizes the evaluation criteria we use in our international negotiation competitions for students and professionals. They are based on a systematic literature review connecting observable negotiation behavior with their impact on negotiation outcomes and summarized in a negotiation competency model. The model includes a set of selected negotiation competencies together with proficiency levels and their behavioral indicators. Our goal is to help scholars design more effective negotiation courses and fairer negotiation competitions, improve negotiation pedagogy, and train negotiators who are well prepared to handle conflicts in our increasingly complex society.

Source: (PDF) In Search of Master Negotiators: A Negotiation Competency Model


Today, I was honored to speak to 86 teams and almost 300 students participating in the national negotiation competition organized by the association of negotiation and communication professors in China.

I’m so glad to see that negotiation competitions have become a part of students’ learning experience around the world. Good luck to all participants and may the best team win!

Source: 2020年“商谈赢家杯”全国大学生商务谈判大赛网络赛开幕式顺利召开

How Teaching at HHL Inspired The Negotiation Challenge 

A few quotes from my interview for HHL blog:

Negotiation intelligence is a combination of the relevant knowledge with the ability to use it in appropriate settings.

My passion for negotiation has probably developed out of these two factors: the willingness to understand others and to solve complex decision problems.

During The Negotiation Challenge we are surrounded by smart and ambitious young people, who share the same passion and come together to compete but end up becoming friends.

It’s been a great privilege and honor to interact with so many smart and highly motivated students and observe the development of their further careers.

Source: How Teaching at HHL Inspired The Negotiation Challenge

Why You Need to Develop Negotiation Intelligence and Skills | HHL Blog

The concept of negotiation intelligence is industry agnostic and can be applied also in law, diplomacy and politics. The starting point for building negotiation intelligence is knowledge acquisition. First, we need to get to know the methods and techniques together with their suitability. Second, we need to learn to retrieve and apply them in the right moment. That’s why all my negotiation courses are based on the concept of experiential learning combining a healthy blend of theory and practice.

HHL negotiation course with expert Prof.Dr. Remigiusz Smolinski I The Negotiation Challenge for students and professionals

Source: Why You Need to Develop Negotiation Intelligence and Skills | HHL Blog

International Negotiation Competition for Professionals

We are delighted to announce that we are launching our new TNC initiative: an international negotiation competition for professionals!

If you work in sales or procurement, grow business for a large corporation or build your own startup, advise your clients on M&A transactions, consult them on strategy, operations, or help them resolve legal disputes, register on our website and compete with some of the world’s best negotiators for the title of The Great Negotiator 2020!

The Negotiation Challenge is open to all participants around the world, their negotiation performance is judged based on scientifically derived criteria, which are transparent and clearly communicated in advance. These factors in combination with the competitive character of the event, make it a prototype of the World Championship in Negotiation.

For more details, please visit: https://professionals.thenegotiationchallenge.org.